HelpAbout Just Gypsum
JUSTGYPSUM.UK is the website for the plastering related industry. It’s the best place to find plastering services and information.
You can find:
- information and services for plasterers and general public
- detailed guidance for professionals
How JUSTGYPSUM.UK is updated
We work closely with the plastering industry to make sure all the information on JUSTGYPSUM.UK is accurate and up to date.
JUSTGYPSUM.UK is also updated based on results from user testing and feedback from members of the public.
Tracking users
We track how you use JUSTGYPSUM.UK, but we don’t collect or store your personal information (eg your name or address) while you’re browsing. This means that you can’t be personally identified.
We use Google Analytics software to track:
- what pages you visit
- how long you use the site
- how you got to the site and what links you clicked on
We don’t allow Google to share this data with anyone else.
Links to other sites from JustGypsum
JUSTGYPSUM.UK links to external organisations when that link is essential for helping someone complete a task that they begin on the site.
For example, there’s a link from the content on Thistle plasterers to the British Gypsum website.