Repairing damaged plasterboard

Re-boarding a whole ceiling is not cost effective at all and is very time consuming. There is a way to repair damage to plasterboard. Cut out the area that is damaged in a square shape. Then you will need to clean up the edges of the plasterboard, and the back of the plasterboard that is already fixed so that is all dust free. A new piece of plasterboard needs to be cut. The new plasterboard needs to fit through the gap you have made, but it needs to be long enough to completely cover the whole. Plaster needs to be put on to the back of the plasterboard and then the board can pulled into position using one of two methods - drilling two holes into the new plasterboard and putting string through it or you can use the head of a nail to pull it into the correct position. The nail could then be pushed into the ceiling space so it can no longer be seen. After the plaster has completely set, the gap between the old and new plasterboard can be filled with plaster.